hello blog,
as you can see from this picture, i'm not dead! (i just can't think of anything to say lately)

here's what has been happening in my world-bubble lately:
a) excessive mumford and sons sing-a-longs
b) working, working, working
c) failing at productivity because of too much text messaging and smiles
d) not cleaning, ever (need to clean!!!!)
e) lots of friends supposed to be visiting this month. stoked for that! hoping i can find the time for maximum fun!
f) getting tattooed by cris cleen on saturday. not sure what it's gonna be yet, but i know it's going to hurt!
g) gonna try my luck at some mint-chocolate chip ice cream real soon
h) finally ate at le grand dakar in clinton hill. it's no bissap baobob, but the spring rolls were awesome and i would go back to try their okra gumbo (even though i don't like okra)
i) my feet have been very itchy, but i think that phase is almost over. bittersweet on getting them coloured in!
j) i love girls nights! even when they happen at shitty places like papacitos! (never again!)
k) my letter press internship is going great! i always have long days, but it's like a sweet hangout party. beers and jokes and music.
l) i dyed my hair. now i just need it cut!
m) mia bought a super cute shower curtain (non plastic!) for our bathroom. now it doesn't look so drab and downtrodden
n) winter is over! so stoked beyond words!
o) currently reading "every man dies alone" (ulysses is on hold until i finish)
p) became familiar with the antics of lady gaga (who would have thought)
q) realized that there are way too many girls putting their business up on the internet. i think it's kind of sad. less is more sometimes.
r) realized that music videos from the nineties are the best...
the end. xoxo