b) my name is tara susan anley
c) i am tired
d) i am twenty four (and a half)
e) i have lived in brooklyn, ny for almost four months
f) i took the amtrak for three days to get here from san francisco
g) i work two jobs. one is good, the other, not so much
h) neither pays enough
i) there is a christmas tree in my house for the first time in six years
j) i am currently reading the diving bell and the butterfly
k) i am going to read ulysses in 2011
l) one of my only possessions in brooklyn is a sewing machine
m) i am going to make pretty clothes to replace all the ones i left on the west coast
n) i think nyc is a good place to visit, but not so much for living
o) i am thinking about portland, but these days, nothing is for sure
p) "even though you have a broken heart, both pieces are inside of you"
q) my perfect vacation is to drive around america, stopping for good food and wooden coasters
r) i want this blog to document adventures, crafts, and tasty morsels
s) i am on season five of friends
t) i worry about death a lot, and i often feel like my heart might stop
u) i am working on chilling the funk out
v) my mom is the best ever
w) i am canadian
x) i do not like bell peppers
y) i kicked a girl's tooth out once
z) welcome to my life
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