. in recent news...
. today was a good day. i like good days. it involved ruining a lot of bagels at work, hang out sessions, lots of laughs, a trip to the bookstore, better weather (minus the ride home. reminded me of sf, but with more dirt), bluetoothing for the first time, tasty thai food, girl dates, and snail mail. wowee, that's a good day.
. the other day dreams came true... except it's a slightly outdated dream... but i still thoroughly enjoyed it...

... i got into college. suny purchase was pretty much the reason i decided to move to nyc, even though i had no idea if i would get in or not - i did. go me! while i'm not sure if i'm going to enroll (i'm not sure of anything anymore...) it feels nice because i have worked very hard to do well in school the past few years, but i wasn't sure it would make up for my prior mistakes. it did. and that feels good either way. happy! this was probably one of the only times in my whole life that i've cried because i was happy.
. i've decided that i need to be more conscious about what i've eating. mostly because it makes me feel like crap and i want be nice to my body, and also because i've formed a permanent food baby. so time to cut down on giant pots of pasta at midnight. or finishing the food off of everybody's plate. or eating it because it's free and available. fruit over snacks and treats. need to cook more. grains and veggies. gonna make some of those recipes i drool over!
. my wednesdays are spent in a big cold room getting inky, dirty fingers. mostly i organize small pieces of metal, but sometimes they let me make things. this scares me, but also makes me feel inspired, even though i have no idea what i am doing...
... it only took me three days, but i finally finished my little handbill project. it's not great, but i'm excited to learn more about letterpress and design and typography. wee!
. i bought two books today from book thug nation: "every man dies alone" by hans fallada and "ulysses" by james joyce. since it's very hard for me to read books for fun while i'm in school, i really need to take advantage of this free time! i know "ulysses" is not going to be an easy read, but i want to give it a try since it's an important work of modern literature... and you know... i like "modernism". plus it's good to challenge yourself. at the bookstore i received two pieces of advice: a) skip around/you don't have to read it in order and b) read it out loud. and i think i will... not because i think it will make it easier to get through (like i was advised) but because i think it will be good for me to do something that i feel silly doing. i'll keep you updated.
. it was so nice sunday afternoon. while winter can be a real bummer sometimes, spring and spring-like days wouldn't be what they are without it. it was so nice that i decided to walk to work for brunch, with just my hoodie, and i was feeling so nice that i even sang out loud to my ipod. (this is a big deal for me. thankfully there were no people around - phew)
"what's my vote? my vote is for keeping it real. walk around
your town with your headphones on, singing out loud"
. there are not enough hours in the day. i want to make ice cream. make crafts for my friends. sew dresses. read books. watch movies. eat food. laugh. dream. ride my bike. go to a museum. dance.
. speaking of ice cream: root beer ice cream? fail! but that's okay, it's all part of the learning process and i'm excited to try it again - and again, and again, until i get it right. so for the record - to make cola ice cream you cannot just add cola. i am going to find a home brew store with root beer extract, which i am not really into because it's most definitely full of crap, but if it works then i am going to try and make my own, which will be rad. and an adventure! i also want to make a boston cream donut ice cream (ripping off ben and jerry's). but avocado and coffee are next on the list.
. i have a tattoo appointment for march 5th. not quite sure what i'm getting, but i know it will be rad. i like how i was so excited to move to nyc so i could get tattooed by rad people, but since i've been here i've only been tattooed by cris cleen, who tattooed me in sf a whole big bunch. nyc pricing = sadness.
. blah blah blah. the end.