Wednesday, January 5, 2011


obligatory new year's post...

i don't have too many new year's resolutions this year, mainly because i made a list of shit that needed to change when i left san francisco for new lands, and i think i've been doing an okay job thus far. and while i haven't been thoroughly impressed with new york city or 2011 thus far, i do think i will be a more rounded person when i move back west (and by more rounded i mean calloused and tough)


1) no expectations, no disappointments (i don't want to be an entirely pessimistic grinch, but my sensitive self could stand to be a little less dreamy.)
2) "boys are just dessert." (i need to stop getting bent out of shape about boys. they suck and there's better things to worry about!)
3) stop overanalyzing everything. (you'll never know, it doesn't matter anyway, get over it.)
4) be better at keeping in touch with people that are worth it.
5) start waking up before noon every day! (sheesh)
6) be nice (i tend to be a bitch when i feel awkward cause i don't know what to say)


1) go on a supreme road trip
2) go on mini trips
3) seriously figure out food carts and medium dreams
4) write letters
5) get my life back to where i can be proud of what i'm doing/not doing.
6) somehow manage to get tattooed by ashley love and bailey hunter robinson before i move
7) make this blog not look pathetic
8) read more
9) find new music to listen to

with that said, i'm going to clean my nasty apartment, throw out all the old food in the fridge, get my butterscotch ice cream into the pot and then the fridge, work on my sewing project, dance around the living room, eat falafel, drink tea, not give fuck! here's to a new year, new bullshit, and dealing with it way better! horrah!



  1. WHEN you move back west? Yipee!

  2. I hear that! I have diaries upon diaries of over analyzing situations that probably made no difference in other peoples lives. I wrote myself a letter for 2012 and hopefully most of it will still ring true when I open it then! Aughhh.

  3. ohhhh i want to know more about this letter to yourself!!!
